Mapae Grant: One Horse – Laura LaChappelle

Teaching Korean Culture, Conflict, and Change

Teacher Peace Camp (’18) fellow and Georgia History Teacher of the Year (’18 ), Laura LaChappell, directed a professional development workshop entitled Teaching Korean Culture, Conflict, and Change for Mississippi teachers in the Rankin County School System.

Exploring Resources

Workshop participants received an overview of Korean history, worked in groups to analyze primary source documents using a strategy that can easily be adapted across grades 6-12, and explored multiple resources available for use in their own teaching. Resources included a simulation activity for teaching about North Korea created by the Korean War Legacy Foundation as well as the veteran interview archive and C3 inquiry lessons. Each participant acquired several books at the end of the workshop, courtesy of the Teach Korea Foundation and the World History Digital Education Foundation.


“Teachers loved getting copies of the lesson book; they really appreciated going home with resources in hand that were ready to use.”

-Laura LaChappelle