Mapae Grant: One Horse – India Meissel and Tracee Simpson

South Carolina Council for the Social Studies Conference

India Meissel and Tracee Simpson, 2018 Charleston World History Digital Education Conference attendees, presented a workshop session titled “Primary Sources and the ‘Forgotten War'” to eager participants at the South Carolina Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference held in Charleston, South Carolina.

Workshop Details

India Meissel and Tracee Simpson began the “Primary Sources and the ‘Forgotten War'” workshop with a Quizzlet “pre-test” activity and discussion to gage participant knowledge of the Korean War. They then took participants on a journey through the Korean War using only primary source materials, discussing both the using of primary sources in the classroom as well as the individual sources utilized during the presentation. They concluded the workshop with a question and answer session.


Photo retrieved from the South Carolina Council for the Social Studies Facebook page.